Wednesday, February 24, 2010


umm hello ... this is your blog calling ... is anyone out there?


  1. Ohhh, yes! I had my babel turned off. I haven't seen Grant for 6 hours so my brains grew and turned my psyco-babel, verbal-bable, and cyber banter down.

    I like the video. It should be an apple ad.

  2. Quick note: we went kiting yesterday on Little Rock Lake. FUN! The winds were irregular and knocked us around. Grant took the leap of faith without even having to activate the faith button. The wind punched the kite, the kite yanked him and he went from step step step to a 30 foot downwinder, landed like hand grenade and blew a Grant sized crater into the lake. I missed it, but the tracks in the snow told the funniest story.

  3. Quick amendment to the previous quick note. Angie was with too. The crater occurrence has a stranglehold on my memory. So, three of us total. I got to try my new kite. Ang, well she just down right lit it up. She had a couple great reaches. You could hear her yahooing from across the lake. Bable be bo ba ding bat dingle.

  4. lol! great narrative of the kiting event ... you can make your own post too if you'd like ... if you accept the invitation that should have been emailed to you ... you can then click on the 'new post' link up in the upper right :) fun blogging fun! i'll make grant put the kiting pics up
